Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sir Ken Robinson on creativity

Ken Says "everybody has an interesting education". All kids have tremendous talents and stand out in something they admire. If kids don't no they will have a go, because they aren't frightened of being wrong. But we learn later on in education that being wrong is not right. We don't grow into creativity we educate out of creativity, creativity is an invention of process of original ideas that have value. When we appreciate ideas they will have greater success, when they get put down that there will be less success.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Healthy business

the first thing about having a healthy business is that you have positive workers and great quality of stock. You have to respect and be polite to your customers so they will come back and talk about your business with others. Other than being not so polite the person with comes in might not like there stay, which will not give you verbal advertisement.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hunks Business

I have learnt that a small company can quickly grow into a multi franchise, and that the foxes are pretty much selling there selves because there trying to target men and a none dirty job that anyone can do. The Hunks are more successful because there situation they are targeting everyone and are unique because there doing stuff people don't want to do. The hunks are successful because they have targeted a dirty job that many people just don't want to do and have a lot of confidence and have created strength within there company. The foxes are targeting a none dirty job that is so easy to do and they are women and are miss judged because they are not as strong as men and can possibly get sexual harassed. I have learnt that a dirty job is a successful job because many people don't like to get there hands dirty. The hunks won because they have a lot of faith in there company and by being on TV with confidence that they will be getting more business and 10% will be worth more than 250 thousand over the years. The big win because of TV exposure and a lot of advertisement witch is great for a company to be getting out there.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sam Walton

Sam Walton was born as an active child, he had a state of mind to sell items cheaper that was known as the discount empire. As a young boy Sam joined the scouts, he jumping into the river to save a kid and that promoted him to an eagle scout. After he finished school he worked full time for 75$ a month at JC penny store and after that he landed a job at the gun powder factory. He later on married Helen on Valentines day. In 1945 he bought a Ben Franklyn store and it was a great success. Sam had no problem under selling other stores. The owner of the Ben Franklyn Store gave it to his son so it left Sam storeless. But he took this as another opportunity and bought another store for 5 thousand of his own money and loaned 20 thousand that he later on paid off in 3 years. Sam made up customer reach which made it cheaper for himself to hire less employees. In his mind was that if the price was lower he would make more money. In 1962 was the grand opening of Wal-Mart, over the first year there was over a million dollars of sales. In 1970 he opened 32 stores. Sam got leukemia but was a Guinea pig for a new drug and was cured, he was diagnosed for bone cancer and went through radiation therapy. On black Monday he lost 1.5 billion dollars which Sam didn't take hard because he was still the richest man in his state. Sam Walton died 1992 by the age of 74.