Friday, February 19, 2010


Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of facebook, he is worth 3 billion dollars and he is only 23 years old. When he started facebook it was named facebooker. His life is simple, Mark lives in a one roomed apartment and sleeps on a matres on the floor. Facebook started with universities connecting with other universities. Mark started out with a couple of friends around his kitchen table and now has a office with plenty of smart people advancing the products of facebook and he is smart by keeping revenue costs low. In the work space Mark likes everyone to share there ideas social by not pushing anyone to make new ideas, the ideas just get made by friends socializing with eachother.

Myspace probibly did not succeed because the people working on it did not place everything as well, and the envirnment probibly wasnt as friendly as facebooks. Myspace did not have as many options as facebook, like on facebook you can search for friends and family and something so simple made myspace not succeed intime.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs parents never graduated which pushed adoption parents to not adopt him. The only way to do great work is to do what you love to do, keep looking and don't settle. He got fired from the company he had started but yet he say that was the best thing that had ever happened to him because if that had never happened he would of never mad pixar and next computers. Steve Jobs got told he had pancreas cancer that was not curable, but when he got them check it was a rare cancer that was curable. Fallow your heart and it will lead you to were you want to go.

Friday, February 12, 2010

John D Rockefeller

I learnt from this movie was that keeping track of money brings responsibilities. Because I now will know the money coming in and the money coming out and the balance of my money. That will encourage me to save and no better about spending it. Also to succeed in anything you have to have great faith whether it is doing bad you just have to try harder whether people have faith in you or not. But having faith in yourself will bring you great accomplishments.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mike kind

One key idea I learned today would be that don't go into a business with someone you care about, like family or a close friend. Because you guys will have your doubts about things and you will have strong opinions about that and someone will end up leaving. You will experience a lot of things and that you will be able to push yourself harder then you ever imagined.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who am I

I am a leader, I have a solid grounding on things and willingness to appreciate new things. I would never pass an adventure and I am consistently seeking new things. I face problems that come to me and not just but them aside. I am out going, comfortable with others, and up for anything, which make me animated. I see and know that there is more then one side to a story, so I am careful not to make judgments about others to hastily. I am a risk taker that would rather experience the world and take on challenges instead of sitting back and observing it.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The key points about building a business I learnt by Richard Brnson is that you don't have to be a genius to be successful because he didn't do so well at school he dropped out at the age of 15 and now he makes twenty five billion a year and has fifty five thousand employees. Another thing is that when some people get alot of money they just blow it and its gone but they never thought of keeping it or maybe making more by helping others. By treating others well they will want to come back. You will have Faith in people and people it what you need to run a successful business.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How to Kill the Entretreneurial Spirit

What i took from this article is that to be successful in a company you need to communicate with each other like a team. All the different sections of the company need to work with each other so they can understand what they both are doing. The development team has to work with the marketing team so they can understand what they are selling and have more outlook on what is going on.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How I learnt Confidence

I went in the mid town area and signed up to a competition. I just had that weird feeling in my gut that I could not do it but I still signed up and went on with myself to practice for the competition. I had so many doubts about this yet I went against my gut feeling and just went for it. Before I knew it my run was over, I just never had that feeling before that I actually thought I have done well and that feeling in my gut went away so i continued on with my other runs. I was competing with 20 other people but I noticed after the second run that I might just place in this competition. So i felt this feeling that I have never felt it was a stroke of confidence. I ended up placing 3rd in the competition and ever since then I have put my self through many more obstacles to concur.

Monday, February 1, 2010

1st post

Today in ent12 I have learnt more about courage that you are able to by pass your limits if you put your mind to it, and that your mind can concur more obstacle's when you have faith in yourself. Than when you don't have faith with what you are doing you will not be pushing yourself beyond your limits and not be faithful with your results. By having faith in yourself you let others gain faith in themselves. Attitude reflects in leadership.