Monday, May 31, 2010

Time Managment

Randy Pausch - The last lecture he is a professor . His childhood dreams were being in zero gravity, and being captain kirk. Also to play in the NFL, he learnt more from not accomplishing it than the ones he had accomplished. When no one bothers in telling you, you are doing nothing wrong they have given up on you. Experience is what you get when you did not want it. There is a lot to be learnt by leadership, another childhood dream was to win a big bear. The brick walls are there to stop people that don't want it enough. When you have given it all you got it is best to hear that you can do better so you just keep trying harder. Loyalty is a two way street. He doesn't believe in text book teaching because student will learn more while having fun, and always raise your bar to students because anyone can do a lot more when they are push to there limits.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Reflecting on the experience

The only problems we have encountered, was that we did not get the ice cream for the floats we originally were going to do. The weather for the whole week was supposed to be raining the forecast said. So we took things to measures and agreed that we were going to sell muffins donuts and cookies because of the weather not being great for ice cream floats. By selling muffins donuts and cookies the donuts and cookies did not sell as well as we thought they would. So we decided to just sell muffins and it was a success and sold out.

I learnt that organization and planning is harder than I thought and that what you have planned might have problems, but every problem has a solution. If I had to apply this to my life it is a lesson well learned, I have learnt more about organizing and something so simple can make profits it only takes time and thought.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

toms shoes

Shoes for tomorrow project, every time he sold a pair of shoes he gave one pair away to the less fortunate. Blake invested all his money and time into this project, he made it in may 2006. Blake advertises through customer involvement. They don't just drop off the shoes they go right up to the kids and fit them for them so they are not just happy with the shoes they will be satisfied with the fit to. In 2007 Blake wanted to sell 300,000 shoes so that means he is giving 300,000 shoes to the kids and family's that don't have shoes.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Developing the Plan

Why write a business plan?

developing a good business plan can put you on the track of success, a business plan evolves your business like an out going strategy for turning your business idea into reality.

What to include in a business plan?

management team plan / company description / product and service plan /vision and mission statements / industry overview / market analysis / competitive analysis / marketing plan / operational plan / organizational plan / financial plan / growth plan / cover page / title page / table of contents / supporting documents

What are the key attributes needed to be successful and an entrepreneur?

Creative / Good leader / Good communicator / Hard worker / Persistent
pizza sale / ice cream sale / hot dog sale / hamburger sale / ice cream sandwich sale / car wash / flower sale / water bottle sale / coffee sale / slushy sale
Hamburger sale
Everyone loves hamburgers, easy to make, purchased for low amount of money so big profit
Someone could get sick, might not sell as much as thought, might not have enough

Monday, May 10, 2010

Top 10 1/2 trends

1.Economic Turmoil
2.Green Power
3.The Senior Market
4.Discount Retail
5.Local Business
7.Parental Outsourcing
8.Health and Wellness
10.Affordable Alcohol

In fact, people are more likely to go to the gym during a down economy, according to a recent survey by the International Health. People will always be concerned about there health whether the community is down or not. Total health club industry revenue last year topped $19 billion, the association reportsHome care was the number one growing industry from 2004 to 2009, averaging yearly increases of more than seven percent, according to IbisWorld. In home care already employs a staggering 1.33 million people, and revenue is expected to grow beyond $72 billion by 2011. And whatever form the government's health care act finally takes, it is likely to boost the number of consumers for health services.


The employees of google are in a great environment with friends and food which is a great opportunity for new ideas. Google is constantly being use all over the world and the employees try there best to answer and questions you may have. They allow all ages of workers into google like collage students and people that have been doing this for years. As long as you are smart and have a lot of great ideas you will be a great employee for google because they are looking for smart people to set there goals as fast as they can.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What i learnt from Arnold

What i have learnt from Arnold is that if your mind is in the right place you can do anything you set it to. Not just physically but emotionally you can but yourself through and succeed what ever has been set. I have also learnt that being focused on your goal is easy as long as you have confidence and not doubts. I also learnt that being there for others and helping the community has great benefits emotionally for yourself and others.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blue Ocean Strategy

"blue ocean strategy" is biased on creating a a new market were there are no other markets. they take a new idea and make it fresh way beyond everyone else like Cirque Du Soleil, circus are getting dull with animal acts so they brought people doing amazing stunts which was an excellent success. Focus on the big picture and don't get distracted and move onto something else. Avoid blood fill waters like entering fixed markets that ruin other companies. Reconstruct market boundaries by creating strategy's. Reach beyond the existing demand by thinking in to the future needs. Get the strategic sequence right by reasoning why your product is the best. Overcome key organizational hurtles meaning the will be problems but you just have to run them out like an obstacle ever problem will have a solution to success. Build execution into strategy by creating trust.