Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Conrad Hilton

all the world was his guest. Guss Hilton was Conrad's father, Conrad learnt the events of hard working. as soon as Conrad could see over the counter he started working for his farther. Conrad was 1 out of 8 children, guess was now a wealthy healthy man. To leave guss he would have to branch out by himself. Conrad was sent to France in WWI. he received a message in France his father was dead come quick so he went as quick as possible but missed his fathers funeral. Conrad purchased his first hotel for 40 thousand and it was making 2 thousand a week. the mobly was a smashing success he bought more hotels across Texas. Hilton slogan was mini max, he was making 100thousand in profit a year but that wasn't enough he wanted a family. he met marry in church, they got married shortly after. they had 3 boys and Hilton didn't have much time for his family. as his family grew so did his hotel business. at age 40 he gained a respect of his pears then came October 19 1925 he was heading for ruined. when the depression hit he lost everything except one hotel so he was almost ruined. so he went to work and try as hard as he could to keep the elpaso Hilton hotel for 40thousand. He saved the elpaso, he never went through bankruptcy. marry filed for divorce and left him. in 1940 he left elpaso for west coast. Hilton married Jaja in 1941. he bought the biggest hotels he called it the Conrad Hilton. Conrad was a religious person and now regretted marring Jaja and his mother died in 1947. he was known as the man who bought the Waldorf. Conrad wanted nick to take the hotel business, Nick married Elizabeth Taylor. the two divorce after 2 months.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Home Depot

Bernie Marcus and Arther Blank were the entrepreneurs or home depot. Arther was fifteen when his father died so then his mother took over the Pharisee. Handy Dan was the first home depot. when they payed the paper for there add they never printed there add so barely any people showed but after a little while the word got out and became very busy. Bernie and Arther were the perfect balance for a team, there strengths were that they wanted what was best for the customers. Arther was the service and inspirational guy and Bernie was the competitive guy, Farrah was the guy that was good at marketing and Longone was great with finances. They trained there employees to think for themselves. The home depot was a great experience for people. They got a add on the radio which help them by pass almost bank robtsy. Depots service and pricing was the best so it wiped out most of the do it your self businesses. home depot grew faster than wall mart. They were crushing all there enemies except Lowe's. Home depot had a high accident rate so they did more training and shrink wrapping. They upgraded to a twenty first century company. Home depot was successful because it had great customer service and good low prices. What i have learnt from this company is that when the goings get tough that there is always a way to get back up.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Martha Stewart

Martha didn't wait for someone to come around to her she came to get it. Martha's mother was a perfectionist and which she tried to pass it on to her child Martha. Martha was one of the smartest students that predicated in several extracurricular activities. She took the role as being head person for prom design, and was remembered of nettles finest. Martha went to Barnard college was in NY. She was independent, she made the glamor magazine which meant she was going to extremely successful. Martha married Andrew after a year of dating, they went to Europe and explored many other countries which opened her eyes. Lexi was born which brought her modeling Carrier on hold. She became a stock broker. They got a farm house and got out of the city and the house needed some tender love and care and that's what they wanted. They were both working full time and were parents and repairing the house they were living in. Martha quit her job and Andy's job was making enough for there family so she was a stay at home mom watching her child and fixing her house. She used food as art, she became a Cartier he husband made a book called gnomes. her father passed at 68. Her book was a great success even though it was expensive. She only slept 4 hours because she was obsessed with her business. The more successful she came the less time she spent with her daughter and husband. she got divorced because she spent to little time with him. her nest now became empty. Her magazine was one of the most profitable magazine ever, in 1993 she got a TV show. She was accused for pinning the landscaper up against the neighbours fence but the case was not guilty. She launched a website and everyday TV show and had a section in the newspaper she was everywhere. Martha built a empire, and she made her life her business. She glamorized a nice home style. What i have learnt from this is that if you cheat there will always be consequences.

Friday, June 11, 2010

the apprentice 2

a week with Lil Kim, and on the road with Moby, leave the road open now narrow so then you can get a lot more then what you wanted. Net worth presented the experience a lot better than magma because they actually had the people there instead of pictures. But magma had better experiences with celebrities, like spending a week with Kim and Moby witch made a hefty amount of money and won with $21,000 and Net had raised $11,000. John and Erin got sent back so either one could get fired but I think John will because he did a horrible job and Erin did nothing wrong. John ended up getting fired. So in business you send who is best not your friends that would be second best because if you want to succeed you but out the best to receive the best.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mike Kind the Last Lecture

1. fear of failure

->failure is the key to success

go out and experience things your self,if you go by others failures it can lead to your success, anylize the failure and try to fix it were it went wrong.

2. Eyes wide open

information bombarding you all the time you can open yourself to new opritunities, keep your eyes and mind open to options you may have.

3. Copy Cat


Taking an idea and just making it a little bit better and more user friendly

4. The Cirle of Influence

knowledge is valueble,

5. Rocky

->Do not quit, when you have tried everything and there are no more areas to move you take those as a issue that you just learnt.

6. Never Stop Learning

You are never to old to learn, because your brain is a muscle and if you stop training that muscle and go to train it later on you will have troubles starting same thing with your brain.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Apprentice

Make sure to give out clear directions and take responsibility, so that everyone knows what they are doing. Advertising and discounts make people more interested and can bring a bigger amount of customers. The team with the safari theme one because they advertised and use coupons to draw people in and they were more organized. The other team did a clown theme that was not a success because it did not advertise and they were not organized. Audrie was fired because she did not take the responsibility of guiding everyone, she knew the people were not trying hard enough yet she didn't guide them to the task clearly.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Master Moves

He is from Vancouver BC, 300k investment for 30%of his company master moves. The sharks are stunned that he thinks that his company is worth 1 million dollars. All the sharks backed out and as he walked away one sharks offered 300k for 100% of his company. But I don't think that this company is worth over a million dollars I think it is a good idea or a item to use for your core but there is way to many products out advertising for ab work outs.

Uro Club

25k for 51%, this product is making it able to go urinate without walking a couple hundred yards to the bathroom or woods, it holds 18oz of urine. 300k was put into this uro club, and three thousand have been sold already. All but one shark have declined because they just did not want to handle the business humor and the one shark offered 25k for 70% and that deal was accepted.

Pork Barrel Spice Rub

Pork barrel spice rub is great on meant and vegetables, the owners are wanting 50,000 for 10%. They are expecting over 1mil in profit Within the fist year. The offer from one of the sharks was 50% for 50,000 and they accepted the offer, a lot of the sharks dropped out because it is a big market to battle in and it is really risky because it ether it sinks or swims. I personally like the product but i would not want to invest into it unless I would get a large percentage. But the choice they made I think was stupid because they said that there was going to be 1 million dollars in profit within the first year and they sold 50% of there company for 50k which was a big loss.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Time Managment

Randy Pausch - The last lecture he is a professor . His childhood dreams were being in zero gravity, and being captain kirk. Also to play in the NFL, he learnt more from not accomplishing it than the ones he had accomplished. When no one bothers in telling you, you are doing nothing wrong they have given up on you. Experience is what you get when you did not want it. There is a lot to be learnt by leadership, another childhood dream was to win a big bear. The brick walls are there to stop people that don't want it enough. When you have given it all you got it is best to hear that you can do better so you just keep trying harder. Loyalty is a two way street. He doesn't believe in text book teaching because student will learn more while having fun, and always raise your bar to students because anyone can do a lot more when they are push to there limits.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Reflecting on the experience

The only problems we have encountered, was that we did not get the ice cream for the floats we originally were going to do. The weather for the whole week was supposed to be raining the forecast said. So we took things to measures and agreed that we were going to sell muffins donuts and cookies because of the weather not being great for ice cream floats. By selling muffins donuts and cookies the donuts and cookies did not sell as well as we thought they would. So we decided to just sell muffins and it was a success and sold out.

I learnt that organization and planning is harder than I thought and that what you have planned might have problems, but every problem has a solution. If I had to apply this to my life it is a lesson well learned, I have learnt more about organizing and something so simple can make profits it only takes time and thought.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

toms shoes

Shoes for tomorrow project, every time he sold a pair of shoes he gave one pair away to the less fortunate. Blake invested all his money and time into this project, he made it in may 2006. Blake advertises through customer involvement. They don't just drop off the shoes they go right up to the kids and fit them for them so they are not just happy with the shoes they will be satisfied with the fit to. In 2007 Blake wanted to sell 300,000 shoes so that means he is giving 300,000 shoes to the kids and family's that don't have shoes.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Developing the Plan

Why write a business plan?

developing a good business plan can put you on the track of success, a business plan evolves your business like an out going strategy for turning your business idea into reality.

What to include in a business plan?

management team plan / company description / product and service plan /vision and mission statements / industry overview / market analysis / competitive analysis / marketing plan / operational plan / organizational plan / financial plan / growth plan / cover page / title page / table of contents / supporting documents

What are the key attributes needed to be successful and an entrepreneur?

Creative / Good leader / Good communicator / Hard worker / Persistent
pizza sale / ice cream sale / hot dog sale / hamburger sale / ice cream sandwich sale / car wash / flower sale / water bottle sale / coffee sale / slushy sale
Hamburger sale
Everyone loves hamburgers, easy to make, purchased for low amount of money so big profit
Someone could get sick, might not sell as much as thought, might not have enough

Monday, May 10, 2010

Top 10 1/2 trends

1.Economic Turmoil
2.Green Power
3.The Senior Market
4.Discount Retail
5.Local Business
7.Parental Outsourcing
8.Health and Wellness
10.Affordable Alcohol

In fact, people are more likely to go to the gym during a down economy, according to a recent survey by the International Health. People will always be concerned about there health whether the community is down or not. Total health club industry revenue last year topped $19 billion, the association reportsHome care was the number one growing industry from 2004 to 2009, averaging yearly increases of more than seven percent, according to IbisWorld. In home care already employs a staggering 1.33 million people, and revenue is expected to grow beyond $72 billion by 2011. And whatever form the government's health care act finally takes, it is likely to boost the number of consumers for health services.


The employees of google are in a great environment with friends and food which is a great opportunity for new ideas. Google is constantly being use all over the world and the employees try there best to answer and questions you may have. They allow all ages of workers into google like collage students and people that have been doing this for years. As long as you are smart and have a lot of great ideas you will be a great employee for google because they are looking for smart people to set there goals as fast as they can.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What i learnt from Arnold

What i have learnt from Arnold is that if your mind is in the right place you can do anything you set it to. Not just physically but emotionally you can but yourself through and succeed what ever has been set. I have also learnt that being focused on your goal is easy as long as you have confidence and not doubts. I also learnt that being there for others and helping the community has great benefits emotionally for yourself and others.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blue Ocean Strategy

"blue ocean strategy" is biased on creating a a new market were there are no other markets. they take a new idea and make it fresh way beyond everyone else like Cirque Du Soleil, circus are getting dull with animal acts so they brought people doing amazing stunts which was an excellent success. Focus on the big picture and don't get distracted and move onto something else. Avoid blood fill waters like entering fixed markets that ruin other companies. Reconstruct market boundaries by creating strategy's. Reach beyond the existing demand by thinking in to the future needs. Get the strategic sequence right by reasoning why your product is the best. Overcome key organizational hurtles meaning the will be problems but you just have to run them out like an obstacle ever problem will have a solution to success. Build execution into strategy by creating trust.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Christan wants 80000 pounds for 15% to help manufacture the product. Many dragons backed out just because there was was a intelligent investor wanting more for his 80lbs so he went 35% for 80lbs. It was a battle between the dragons but Christan accepted Theo's offer of 80,000 pounds for 35% and now is working with him and expanding his company.

element bars

Energy element bars have been running for 1.5 years, users can visit the site element and make a custom energy bar and rapper for only 36$ for 12. Johnathan went in wanting 150k for 15%, because his company made 50k in sales and it just started. He is from British Columbia, sharks called him a mini shark because he was butting them in the possession to think over there thoughts. One shark offered 150k for 75%, another shark offered 150k for 100%, 4% royalty pay to Johnathan, 75% is way to much for Johnathan, he wants it for 20%, and he does not accept the 100% company for 150k and 4% royalty, but he sells out for 30% and 4% royalty for 150k.

Friday, April 9, 2010

business script

hello my name is Cody and i was wondering if you could spair a few moment of your time, ok thank you, i am selling these tickets for our grade legacy fund and this ticket you might purchase will possibly win you a 2001 acura and will help fund raise money for our grad legacy fund. and better yet they are only a dollar!thank you for your support and you time.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The bobble place

Jeff Wallski, he owns a higher 7 digit business and is not wanting to give any of his existing business. Jeff just wants to get 75k for 17% for his new business that he wants to start and locate in malls so he can expose his company. The sharks are no longer interested in Jeff's new company they want his internet company %20 for 100k they want no business with the new company Jeff want to start. Jeff's final offer was 7% for 100k and that lead him to leave with no extra money.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dave Thomas

Dave Thomas was an orphan and had a troubled young life barely having a childhood. He started working at a restaurant at a young age and decided he would do that for the rest of his life. He was always concerned with sales and would always ask how sales in the company were going. This shows his strive to always do better in his business. Dave knew that he could make sales off quality and always strived to make sure that his products were the best by always having good meat and overall quality burgers. and he knew the best salesman that for a company is the ownwer that is why he did all the ads for the company himself.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Top 100 employees

airG Inc.
I like airG Inc. because they treat people with great respect and gives three week payed vacations after you have been working for over a year. They help out people with families by giving them family benefits. They award financial bonuses, up to 1500$ to employees that refer someone successfully hire by the company.

BC Hydro
I like BC Hydro because they help empoyees prepare for retirement with a generous benifit pention plan. They offer maternity leave top-up benefits to employees who are new mothers, to 85% of salary for 17 weeks.

Goldcorp Inc.

I like Goldcorp Inc. because they help employees save for retirement with generous matching RSP contributions. Some employees receive parental leave top-up payments to 80% of their salary for 20 weeks for new mothers, fathers and adoptive parents. They also give three weeks vacation pay and after working for three years you get four weeks of vacation pay.

Nintendo of Canada Ltd.
I like Nintendo of Canada Ltd. because they help employees save for retirement by matching the eployees RSP plan. They also provide employees with five paid days off during the Christmas break, with an addition to paid vacation allowance and offers maternity leave top-up to 100% for 16 weeks for new mothers and give employees free memberships to an onsite fitness facility, that also offers onsite yoga classes.
Next Level Games Inc.
I like Next Level Games Inc. because a pioneer in the gaming industry, offering parental leave top-up payments for new and adoptive mothers are 80% for 27 weeks. They offer new employees three weeks vacation, plus five paid personal days off and paid time off at Christmas. They let employees share in the company's success with profit-sharing and share purchase plans which i think is a great idea. They help employees stay in-shape with subsidized fitness club memberships and free ski passes to nearby Cypress Mountain. NLG Inc. also offers flexible work hours, telecommuting and even lets employees bring their pets to work when needed.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sir Ken Robinson on creativity

Ken Says "everybody has an interesting education". All kids have tremendous talents and stand out in something they admire. If kids don't no they will have a go, because they aren't frightened of being wrong. But we learn later on in education that being wrong is not right. We don't grow into creativity we educate out of creativity, creativity is an invention of process of original ideas that have value. When we appreciate ideas they will have greater success, when they get put down that there will be less success.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Healthy business

the first thing about having a healthy business is that you have positive workers and great quality of stock. You have to respect and be polite to your customers so they will come back and talk about your business with others. Other than being not so polite the person with comes in might not like there stay, which will not give you verbal advertisement.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hunks Business

I have learnt that a small company can quickly grow into a multi franchise, and that the foxes are pretty much selling there selves because there trying to target men and a none dirty job that anyone can do. The Hunks are more successful because there situation they are targeting everyone and are unique because there doing stuff people don't want to do. The hunks are successful because they have targeted a dirty job that many people just don't want to do and have a lot of confidence and have created strength within there company. The foxes are targeting a none dirty job that is so easy to do and they are women and are miss judged because they are not as strong as men and can possibly get sexual harassed. I have learnt that a dirty job is a successful job because many people don't like to get there hands dirty. The hunks won because they have a lot of faith in there company and by being on TV with confidence that they will be getting more business and 10% will be worth more than 250 thousand over the years. The big win because of TV exposure and a lot of advertisement witch is great for a company to be getting out there.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sam Walton

Sam Walton was born as an active child, he had a state of mind to sell items cheaper that was known as the discount empire. As a young boy Sam joined the scouts, he jumping into the river to save a kid and that promoted him to an eagle scout. After he finished school he worked full time for 75$ a month at JC penny store and after that he landed a job at the gun powder factory. He later on married Helen on Valentines day. In 1945 he bought a Ben Franklyn store and it was a great success. Sam had no problem under selling other stores. The owner of the Ben Franklyn Store gave it to his son so it left Sam storeless. But he took this as another opportunity and bought another store for 5 thousand of his own money and loaned 20 thousand that he later on paid off in 3 years. Sam made up customer reach which made it cheaper for himself to hire less employees. In his mind was that if the price was lower he would make more money. In 1962 was the grand opening of Wal-Mart, over the first year there was over a million dollars of sales. In 1970 he opened 32 stores. Sam got leukemia but was a Guinea pig for a new drug and was cured, he was diagnosed for bone cancer and went through radiation therapy. On black Monday he lost 1.5 billion dollars which Sam didn't take hard because he was still the richest man in his state. Sam Walton died 1992 by the age of 74.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of facebook, he is worth 3 billion dollars and he is only 23 years old. When he started facebook it was named facebooker. His life is simple, Mark lives in a one roomed apartment and sleeps on a matres on the floor. Facebook started with universities connecting with other universities. Mark started out with a couple of friends around his kitchen table and now has a office with plenty of smart people advancing the products of facebook and he is smart by keeping revenue costs low. In the work space Mark likes everyone to share there ideas social by not pushing anyone to make new ideas, the ideas just get made by friends socializing with eachother.

Myspace probibly did not succeed because the people working on it did not place everything as well, and the envirnment probibly wasnt as friendly as facebooks. Myspace did not have as many options as facebook, like on facebook you can search for friends and family and something so simple made myspace not succeed intime.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs parents never graduated which pushed adoption parents to not adopt him. The only way to do great work is to do what you love to do, keep looking and don't settle. He got fired from the company he had started but yet he say that was the best thing that had ever happened to him because if that had never happened he would of never mad pixar and next computers. Steve Jobs got told he had pancreas cancer that was not curable, but when he got them check it was a rare cancer that was curable. Fallow your heart and it will lead you to were you want to go.

Friday, February 12, 2010

John D Rockefeller

I learnt from this movie was that keeping track of money brings responsibilities. Because I now will know the money coming in and the money coming out and the balance of my money. That will encourage me to save and no better about spending it. Also to succeed in anything you have to have great faith whether it is doing bad you just have to try harder whether people have faith in you or not. But having faith in yourself will bring you great accomplishments.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mike kind

One key idea I learned today would be that don't go into a business with someone you care about, like family or a close friend. Because you guys will have your doubts about things and you will have strong opinions about that and someone will end up leaving. You will experience a lot of things and that you will be able to push yourself harder then you ever imagined.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who am I

I am a leader, I have a solid grounding on things and willingness to appreciate new things. I would never pass an adventure and I am consistently seeking new things. I face problems that come to me and not just but them aside. I am out going, comfortable with others, and up for anything, which make me animated. I see and know that there is more then one side to a story, so I am careful not to make judgments about others to hastily. I am a risk taker that would rather experience the world and take on challenges instead of sitting back and observing it.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The key points about building a business I learnt by Richard Brnson is that you don't have to be a genius to be successful because he didn't do so well at school he dropped out at the age of 15 and now he makes twenty five billion a year and has fifty five thousand employees. Another thing is that when some people get alot of money they just blow it and its gone but they never thought of keeping it or maybe making more by helping others. By treating others well they will want to come back. You will have Faith in people and people it what you need to run a successful business.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How to Kill the Entretreneurial Spirit

What i took from this article is that to be successful in a company you need to communicate with each other like a team. All the different sections of the company need to work with each other so they can understand what they both are doing. The development team has to work with the marketing team so they can understand what they are selling and have more outlook on what is going on.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How I learnt Confidence

I went in the mid town area and signed up to a competition. I just had that weird feeling in my gut that I could not do it but I still signed up and went on with myself to practice for the competition. I had so many doubts about this yet I went against my gut feeling and just went for it. Before I knew it my run was over, I just never had that feeling before that I actually thought I have done well and that feeling in my gut went away so i continued on with my other runs. I was competing with 20 other people but I noticed after the second run that I might just place in this competition. So i felt this feeling that I have never felt it was a stroke of confidence. I ended up placing 3rd in the competition and ever since then I have put my self through many more obstacles to concur.

Monday, February 1, 2010

1st post

Today in ent12 I have learnt more about courage that you are able to by pass your limits if you put your mind to it, and that your mind can concur more obstacle's when you have faith in yourself. Than when you don't have faith with what you are doing you will not be pushing yourself beyond your limits and not be faithful with your results. By having faith in yourself you let others gain faith in themselves. Attitude reflects in leadership.